sábado, 19 de mayo de 2012

2. Activities

During this course(from February until now) we have done six main activities:

1. Illustrating words.

-General description: That activity consisted of expresing with a drawing or a picture the meaning of some words so, we had to use our imagination and our creativity which was very important for showing a concept with an image. It is very easy to describe a concept with another words, but it is so difficult doing it with a picture. In the second part of this activity we had to give our drawings to other groups in order to them guessed the meaning of our drawings.


María: journalist
Elena:* she explains the work + tracker
Ainara: analist
Noelia: facilitator

-Summary about what have we learnt:  We have learned that it is difficult to illustrate a few words with pictures are concepts that are ambiguous. Although it is easier to make a drawing, a picture is more real and you get the message better

-Self-evaluation: 8



-General description: This is a theory that means"Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge". That week we had to learn this concept and after that we showed our knowledge about this theory to the rest of the class. Our exposition consisted of making a diagram explaining the different elements of TPACK and how those concepts were related each other. We put our mental mapping (written in a big card) in the wall and the star of the group explained it to each of the other groups.


María: journalist
Elena:* she explains the work + tracker
Ainara: analist
Noelia: facilitator

-Summary about what have we learnt:  we have learned the parts of the TPACK and what what each part means. And each teacher uses their own TPACK some use more technology than others

-Self-evaluation: 9


3. Pechakucha´s morning:

-General description:  After learning the meaning of Pechakucha, that consisted of an exposition with twenty slices with a duration of twenty seconds by slice, we had to use this type off presentation in order to show the classroom a project. The project that we should do was called “Creamos un parlamento” and we implemented it into the curriculum implementation and into the TPACK theory.



Elena: analist
Ainara: journalist
Noelia: * star + tracker
María: * star + facilitator

-Summary about what have we learnt:  We have learn how we have to do a good presentation that were effective for people, that were funny, entertaining, brief and  triking.

-Self-evaluation: 10


4. Creativity workshop:

-General description: In this season Manel Rives, a Primary school teacher from Galicia came to the Faculty of education and told us his teaching methods that are so creative and dynamics.

That day we made a story of dinosaurs in a comic, an animation with toontastic and stopmotion that could be useful for us when we want to teach contents in a creative and funny way.



AINARA:     star + tracker
ELENA:      facilitator
NOELIA:     journalist
MARÍA:       analist

-Summary about what have we learnt:  we have learn to use a ipad and some programmes of it. How we have to do a stop motion with pictures, how to make a comic with the ipad and that children can make a comic for learn theory.

-Self-evaluation: 10


5. Dark side of Textbooks:

-General description: That week we learnt the disadvantages of one of the educational resources: textbooks.
At first, we thought about the bad things of this resource and for explaining it we created a video where the star of that week (Ainara) made a speech about this theme.



AINARA:     star + tracker
ELENA:      facilitator
NOELIA:     journalist
MARÍA:       analist

-Summary about what have we learnt:  We have learnt that the publishing companies only want to earn money and they don’t like the new technologies as electronic books because they don’t like to lose their business. Also the texts book sometimes have mistakes and children have to spend lot of money on texts book.

-Self-evaluation: 10


6. The Spanish Educational System snakes & ladders game:

-General description: For learning the basic theory about Spanish Educational System we  played to snakes and ladders.

That game which we saw as the most serious of the practices consisted of making some cards with questions and answers about the theory from the European document that explained the organization of the Spanish Educational System and after that, we played with them to snakes and ladders.

The group who won that game earnt a card which gave to each member of the group the oportunity of changing a comodine of 9.5 (first prize) or an 8 (second prize) for one of the questions of the exam.

With the other category of prize the group one of the groups earnt two extra points in the portfolio , and that is the prize that we won!

The second prize of this category was won by the group “Never too late” that earnt one extra point in the portfolio.



Ainara: Facilitator
Elena: Star + tracker
Noelia: Analist
María: Journalist

-Summary about what have we learnt:  we have learnt that the competitivity of the game make that we have to study for obtain the prize and also we have learnt something about our Spanish educational system that we need it for our future.

-Self-evaluation: 9

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